
The Nova Scotia Genealogy Network Association

Formed to provide access to and promote genealogical resources pertaining to Nova Scotia and support the efforts of the local and county historical societies in the province.

Research Sources
Links to Genealogical Societies and Institutions in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Research Sources

Finding People

Nicholas Harvie & Mahala Jenks


Finding Places

Baddeck, Victoria Co.


Finding Books and Newspapers

Deacon Stephen Hart pub.1875


Other Sources

Hacket's Cove


Genealogical Societies and Institutions in Nova Scotia

Admiral Digby Museum
Digby, Digby County.
Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum
Middleton, Nova Scotia.
Annapolis Heritage Society
Annapolis Royal, Annapolis County.
Beaton Institute, Cape Breton University
Sydney, Cape Breton.
Black Loyalist Heritage Society
Birchtown, Shelburne County.
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Cape Breton Genealogy and Historical Association
Sydney, Cape Breton.
Cape Sable Historical Society
Barrington, Nova Scotia.
Centre acadien
Université Sainte-Anne, Point-de-l'Église, Nouvelle Écosse.
Chester Municipal Heritage Society
Chester, Nova Scotia.
The Colchester Historical Society Museum & Archvies
Truro, Colchester County.
The North Shore Archives Society
Tatamagouch, Colchester County.
Cumberland County Genealogical Society
Amherst, Cumberland County.
Cumberland County Museum and Archives
Amherst, Cumberland County.
The Dartmouth N.S. Family History Centre
Cole Harbour, Halifax County.
East Hants Historical Society
Lower Selma/Elmsdale, Hants County.
Eastern Shore Archives
Lake Charlotte, Halifax County.
The Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
The Genealogical Institute of the Maritimes
NS, NB, PE, and NL
Guysborough Historical Society
Guysborough, Nova Scotia.
Halifax Municipal Archives
Halifax County, Nova Scotia.
Hantsport & Area Historical Society
Hantsport, Hants County.
Highland Village Museum
Iona, Victoria County.
Kings County Museum
Kentville, Kings County.
Kentville Historical Society
Kentville, Kings County.

Mainland South Heritage Society
Halifax, Halifax County.
The McCulloch Heritage Centre
Pictou, Pictou County.
Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos et Centre de recherche
West Pubnico, Nova Scotia.
North Cumberland Historical Society
Pugwash, Cumberland County.
Nova Scotia Archives
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Strait Area Museum
Port Hastings, Nova Scotia.
Randall House Museum
Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
The Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Shelburne County Archives and Genealogical Society
Shelburne, Shelburne County.
South Shore Genealogical Society
Lunenburg, Lunenburg County.
West Hants Historical Society
Windsor, Hants County.
Yarmouth County Museum & Archives
Yarmouth, Yarmouth County.
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